Mental Health Awareness Morning

Sep 29, 2022 | Corporate, Event

With ‘R U OK?’ Day earlier this month, we hosted a Mental Health Awareness Morning for our staff. We were able to create an opportunity to discuss mental health with the aid of suicide prevention. We had the opportunity to start a conversation about mental help and connecting with someone to provide appropriate support. Part of this is about the importance of informal support networks and being aware of those around you.

The morning was an opportunity to get involved and inspire everyone to learn when and how to have a conversation. A conversation that could change a life – a family member, friend, or work colleague. By asking the simple question ‘R U OK?’ you can provide the necessary support to someone. Most importantly when someone is identified as struggling or in early signs of crisis. It helps break down the feelings of isolation.

Our Electrical Construction, Mechanical Construction, and Service and Support teams gathered for an early morning BBQ breakfast. We held an informative prestart concerning the day’s topic of ‘R U OK?’ Day. Our Admin, Operational Support, Sales Solutions, and Engineering and Technology Teams gathered at lunchtime for pizza and a discussion. The key message at both events is that social connectedness and positive help-seeking can assist people in crisis. Overall, it is a community responsibility.

On behalf of Triple i and its employees, a donation was made to the R U OK? Organisation. This will go towards helping prevent suicide and provide resources.

Finding Support

For support and resources visit the R U OK? Day website –

If you need professional support, please contact your doctor, local health centre or a helpline. Family and friends can also call upon these services for advice and help. It is always important to know how to support someone who is struggling with life.

If you are having suicidal thoughts, please seek assistance by contacting your trusted healthcare professional or calling:

Lifeline – 13 11 14 (Text Support – 0477 13 11 14)

Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636

Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467

Headspace (12-25 years) – 1800 650 890

About R U OK?

R U OK? is a harm prevention charity. They encourage people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through challenging times in their lives. Their work focuses on building the motivation, confidence, and skills of the help-giver. In other words, this is the person who can have a meaningful conversation with someone who is struggling with life.

About Triple i

Triple i delivers outcomes for all your control, data, electrical, instrument, and mechanical needs with over 35 years of experience. We provide a range of technology-based projects, consultancy, maintenance, and support services in the industrial sector. With over seventy-five skilled employees, Triple i provides the best product and services, with integrated solutions designed for clients’ needs.